West Shore Food Bank

According to the Montana Food Bank Network approximately 1 in 8 Montanans struggle with hunger, including 45,000 children living in food insecure homes. In addition, nearly 72,000 individuals live in areas considered food deserts and have limited access to a grocery store or supermarket, making access to fresh, affordable food a daily challenge. The West Shore Food Bank in Lakeside is helping mitigate that by offering food and other services to the residents on the upper West Shore. You can help by donating today. They serve Somers, Lakeside, Dayton, Elmo, Proctor, Rollins and Kalispell south of the four corners. They have incredible programs that serve our local seniors, an after school program and a ‘snackpack’ program for kids who need help being fed over the weekends. Learn more at westshorefoodbank.com. We alternate each week between Monday from 4-5:45 pm and Tuesday 9-10:45 am. Occasionally we close for holidays so please check our calendar on the home page before you come to make sure we are open.
J. Sunde